Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Parade

Today, Elias's friend Allison invited him to be a part of her neighborhood Memorial Day parade.  Since we live in a small town, we knew most of the other families that participated in the festivities. The bigger kids rode their bikes but Allison and Elias rode in a wagon that they decorated.  Afterwards, we had a cookout with Allison's family. Events like this are one of the reasons we have come to love living in a small town.

Decorating their wagon with crepe paper and balloons

Ready for the parade to start

All of the kids lined up for the parade

Elias got his first sucker.  He liked it :)

 Good friends and post-parade suckers

Elias loves playing with his friend Allison.
We went home for naps and this evening our neighbor, Barb treated us to KFC.  We enjoyed it outside on her patio.  After dinner, we brought our full bellies to a cookout with friends where we socialized until bedtime.  It was a wonderful day of rest and friendship.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Playing in the Rain

I love these photos I took of Big Boy today.  His word revolves around construction vehicles right now.  He's always digging with his toy trucks, asking to go to campus to see the real construction vehicles, or reading his books about diggers and bulldozers over and over and over again.  The librarians know he checks out all the truck books and his friends' moms know he will always have his collection of construction vehicles nearby.

It was raining today so he and I put on old clothes and played out in the rain while Daddy and Mir-Bear stayed dry inside.  I showed him how water pours down from the gutters and it's a good place to fill his bucket and we stomped in the puddles and dug a lot of dirt. 

And then, of course, I took pictures.