Thursday, December 18, 2014

17 Months Old

Little Man turned 17 months on November 13th.  I'm working on his 18 month post and should be all up-to-date soon!

Sweet Boy, you are 17 months old! 

We have always called you our Joy-Boy, and the name fits you so well.  You are predictably content and we are thankful for your consistently happy, even-tempered personality.  Life is exciting to you, and we see joy burst out of you on a daily basis.  You'll see your stuffed animals in the morning for the first time and exclaim with joy as you run towards them to hug them.  A garbage truck will drive by and you'll start waving at the driver frantically all while joyfully yelling "garbage truck!"  Your eyes are bright and happy and the undeniable twinkle also tells us if you're being silly or mischievous. 

Humor seems to come naturally to you.  You have always laughed easily and love to make others laugh.  You enjoy making jokes and being silly, and seem to have a great grasp on humor.  You have shown us that you understand when you are being teased, and you take it light-heartedly.  Daddy will pull your beloved paci out of your mouth quickly, and it cracks you up.  One time when you were falling asleep in your car seat, I made your legs kick up and down in attempt to keep you awake.  You had a big smile on your face and let some giggles escape even though you couldn't muster up the energy to open up your eyes.  You know it's all in fun and we love that about you.

You continue to prove to us what a social guy you are.  You went through a phase this past month were you would get upset if someone left the room, or when Daddy left for work in the morning.  You want everyone to be together.  When we were in MN, it was noticeable how much you wanted Lily around you.  If we went outside without her, you would point towards the door.  You would get upset when it was time for a nap or bedtime (which is not normal for you) because you knew everyone else was still up in the house.  You'd hurry to find them as soon as you woke up.  When we were in Florida and I would go get you in the morning, you would immediately ask, "Mama (Grandma)?  Baba (Papa)?"  You are still a big Momma's boy, but it's not that you want to be with JUST Momma.  Rather, you want to make sure Momma is included with the rest of the group - the more the merrier.

Here's a more detailed overview of the previous month:
  • Your vocabulary is increasing at a rapid rate.  You will mimic almost anything we say and have added quite a few words to your regular vocabulary - some of the words you use often are "stuck", "back", "cheese" (you request it every meal), "spoon", "baba" (your pacis), and "baby".  You have also started saying "thank you".  I interpret for other people still, but it's very clear to you and me what you are saying. 
  • You understand SO much and are constantly surprising us with your comprehension and how you respond to something we say.  I told you one day this past month that I needed to go check on some things in the dryer.  You ran to a pile of wet clothes (that I was intending to hang dry), grabbed them and carried them towards the door that leads to the laundry room.  I let you come and put them in the dryer since I was so impressed with how you had connected the dots between wet clothes and the dryer.  Another time you dropped some food while you were eating so I asked you if Momma needed to sweep it up.  You excitedly agreed and pointed to the broom.  You know which pail in your room is for trash and which one is for dirty diapers.  If you have to throw something away, you will ask me to help you lift the lid to the trash pail.  One day when I was cleaning a poopy diaper in the bathroom, you ran and pointed to the dirty diaper pail, indicating that I would need it.  You have reminded me to pull the strap on your car seat to tighten it after I've buckled you in.  You really understand how things work.
  • "Yeah," is your standard response to questions we ask you, so we are savoring this agreeable stage before you enter a "no" phase.  You will tell us "no" but only if you really mean it, and usually it is makes sense why you would say "no".  You have made up a sign for "no," where you make a little fussy noise and wave your hand back and forth horizontally (very similar to your made-up sign for "loud noise". 
  • When you pray at meal times you will fold your hands and repeat "thank you" after us, and then we'll list a few things before saying amen.  You like to make sure everyone in the room also has their hands folded before we start, and will call people out if they don't.
  • I mentioned in last month's post that we traveled to MN, because you turned 16 months while we were there.  You had a great time and I noticed you became very accomplished at descending stairs since their house has so many of them.
  • You are now officially weaned.  You were down to just your night time feeding, which was the hardest one for you to drop.  I think it was the change of environment when we traveled to MN, but you stopped asking for it.
  • Daddy put you to bed for the first time!  It was the perfect timing for you to quit asking to nurse before bed, since Momma started a Bible study in the evenings soon after we got back from MN.  Daddy did a test run before the first night of study to make sure everything went well (I stayed out of sight in my room), and you did great!  Daddy loved being able to rock you.
  • You and Momma traveled to Florida for a week.  We had to fly through Atlanta so it was two plane rides each way.  You were a terrific travel companion, eating the lunch that Momma packed you on the first flight and then doing some of the activities we brought along.  On the second flight you slept in Momma's arms for an hour, which was almost the entire duration of the flight.  You seemed tired when we were sitting on the runway about to take off so I asked you if you wanted Momma to sing to you.  You said yes and put your head on my shoulder.  I sang quietly to you and you kept signing "more" until you were asleep.  When you didn't move during takeoff I knew you were out.  Grandma flew back from Florida to Indiana with us.  We had a great time while we were there.
  • You still call most people "Momma" but you know how to say "Dada".  We spent 8 days in Florida and you called Grandma "Momma" and Papa "Baba".  I did hear you say "ggg-ma" one day so I know you were thinking about the "g" sound at the beginning of her name, but it's not one that you really use yet.
  • We Skyped with Daddy at the end of our time in Florida and you were so excited to see him.  He sang to you and you danced and danced.  You also put all of your favorite stuffed animals on the laptop to show them to him.  You were SO upset, though, when you had to say goodbye and you had big tears rolling down your cheeks as you said, "Momma! Momma! Momma!" over and over again (meaning Daddy).  It took a while for you to calm down, so I think it may be a while before we Skype with Daddy again while we are on a trip.
  • You got your first mini-haircut.  It wasn't a full haircut but just to trim off a section in the back that had grown longer than the rest of your hair.  We let you watch your Baby Einstein video while Momma did a few quick snips. 
  • You love your stuffed animals and carry them all over the house.  Sometimes we will bring them with us when we go out and about at your request.  Grandma bought you a stuffed lion when we were in MN, and it's your very favorite.  You sleep with it in your bed and sometimes I catch you snuggling it.  You are very nurturing to your animals and will share your paci (often getting frustrated that it doesn't actually go in their mouth), share your snacks, and dress them.  You especially love putting diapers on them.  One day I asked you to put on your raincoat, but you came running to me with brown bear so we put it on him and found you another coat.
  • You had your first Halloween.  You were the cutest little tiger this year and we got a lot of use out of your costume.  We brought it to MN to show Grandma and Grandpa Pegelow and Lily and you wore it to play out in the leaves.  Then you wore it to a special story time in Gas City where you got to trick or treat at the library.  You wore it again for a fall harvest party at church and then finally on Halloween.  We went trick-or-treating in Olson dorm and it was perfect to be indoors on a freezing cold, sleeting night.  Plus it was an extra bonus that you only had to walk a few feet to get more candy.  You caught on very quickly and we had to remind you to take just one piece (not a handful) from each of the students.  Afterwards we went to some friends' house for cocoa and you loved being around so many people and other children.  You would bravely venture off to go check out a toy, but then come back a few minutes later to check on us.  You were up way past your bedtime but you would never have known it since you get so much joy and energy from being around people. 
  • You know your books by their titles.  Daddy told me one day that he had requested specific books and you could go to your bookshelf and pick out the book.  The next day I jokingly asked for the book with the longest title and without hesitation you headed to your bookshelf and got it for me.
  • You still love songs with actions and have become even more participatory at story time.  You love stomping your feet to "If you're happy and you know it" and now you also raise your hands in the air for "shout hooray!"
  • You are very good at sitting down when we ask you to, either at story time or at home when we need to put your shoes on.
  • We went to Cracker Barrel one evening when all of Upland lost power, and as soon as we sat down you looked at the menu and pointed to a picture of corn (one of your favorite foods!) indicating that's what you wanted to eat.  We ordered it for you and, as always, you loved it.
  • You say "Brown Bear!" when you see that specific book, and it was definitely a favorite this past month.  You constantly requested it and wanted to look at it over and over.  One day I heard you saying something over and over again and realized you were saying "teacher" from your Brown Bear book.  That has quickly become your favorite page and you prefer just to look at the picture of the teacher and the picture of the children over any of the other pages.  One day we were in Cracker Barrel and I heard you exclaiming, "Brown Bear! Brown Bear!" over and over.  I was confused since we didn't have the book with us, but turned around and saw that there was a gigantic stuffed brown bear sitting out on display.
  • Even though it's starting to get colder, we still spend a lot of time outside.  Our motto is: It's just going to get colder.  You don't seem to mind bundling up and being outside.
  • You are a very compliant little guy and I think this has to do with your rule-following nature.  When you learn a rule, you are very consistent about following it.  For example, you learned quickly that if we play outside of our apartment you can walk where ever you want on the sidewalk but you cannot go into the gravel parking lot.  You are learning to ask Momma for help if you want to get something that is in the parking lot or if you need to cross to the other side, but very rarely do I catch you stepping past the sidewalk.  When we were at a playdate I told you that you needed to stay in the living room when you pointed to their kitchen, where their older daughter had gone to color.  You noticed that the living room had carpet and the kitchen was linoleum, and must have made a mental note that you weren't allowed to step off the carpet.  The other mom and I watched you for a while as you peered into the kitchen, looking down at your feet every so often to make sure they hadn't crossed over the boundary line.  You would carefully watch your toes and line them up as close to the edge of the carpet as you could without crossing over.
  • You are becoming more independent in deciding what you want to do and where you want to go, but you still want Momma to go most places with you.  If you start to head towards another room you will stop and say, "Momma!" to let me know that I should also come.  You will sometimes come and take my hand to lead me to a new location.
  • You have always loved music but I have recently started singing regularly to you before your nap and bedtime.  You will sign "more" to show me that you want me to start singing and if the song ends you will keep asking for "more".  As soon as I start you will rest your head on my shoulder.  Your favorite song is "Jesus, Name Above All Names," and it's the only song you want to hear.  If I start another song, you will do your sign for "no" but settle back down if I switch back to your favorite one. 
  • If we ask you to pat "Sissy" you will pat Momma's belly.
  • You are very logical and seem to understand reasoning surprisingly well for such a little guy.  Often I give you a brief explanation, and it seems to satisfy you even if you aren't getting your way.  One thing that really seems to resonate with you is if I let you know you have two more minutes and then one more minute.  Sometimes you will ask for another minute after your last minute is up, but when I tell you that you already used your last minute, you comply well - as if what I said makes sense to you, since you knew that was the answer all along.  You make me laugh, though, because you have started to initiate asking for one more minute.  If I ask you to come for a diaper change, you will look at me wide-eyed and make a little grunting noise as you hold up one finger, asking for one more minute.  I usually agree, and you come when I tell you your one minute is up.
  • It works well for us if I tell you I'm going to go get a diaper ready and I need you to come in the room in a minute.  You usually follow closely behind me.  One time while we were in Florida, you came into the room holding a diaper you had grabbed on your way!
  • I just have to shake my head "no" and you respond very well.
  • You learned how to climb down from surfaces that are taller than you, such as the couch.  You are able to slide yourself down until your feet hit the floor.
  • You love to ride things.  You are always climbing onto something and then signing "more," which is your way of asking to be pushed. 
  • You love stickers, so we made you a sticker poster.  It hangs right above your changing pad so that you can look at it while you are getting a new diaper or getting dressed.  You are very good about taking the stickers off their sheets and adhering them to your poster.
  • You have known how to clap for a while now, but this month you really started clapping for yourself if you did something good, especially when you obeyed.  You also clap along to music.  I will hear clapping coming from your car seat if you like the song, and if it has a good, upbeat rhythm.
  • You are so steady on your feet and can really run now.
  • You love making car and truck noises and I've noticed they are becoming more complex this past month.  You also love to say, "beep! beep! beep!" especially if you are backing up.  Sometimes when I'm pulling your stroller backwards, I'll hear back-up beeping coming from the little passenger inside.
  • You are very ticklish and will laugh and laugh when we tickle you, often asking for more when we stop.

Your schedule at the end of this month:

7:45am wake up and Daddy greets you for the day
8:00am breakfast with Daddy
8:30am you and Momma walk Daddy to work and often stay on campus for a while
10:00am snack
11:30am lunch
1:15pm story time
1:30pm nap time (at the very end of the month, I experimented with moving your nap time 30 minutes later and it resulted in a week of 3 hour naps! For most of the month you were napping from 1-3pm but only about an hour if we were traveling).
3:30-4:30pm wake up and milk (snack if there is time)
5:00pm Daddy gets home from work
5:30pm dinner
6:00pm gym with Daddy
7:00pm bath and get ready for bed
7:30-7:45pm bedtime

I know I've probably mentioned this before, but we really feel like we're in a sweet spot with you, and we're not taking it for granted.  You sleep through the night, you nap well, you have a great appetite, your temperament is so content that you do well running errands or being out and about, and you love routine but don't seem to bat an eye if we change things up on you or keep you up past your normal bedtime.  We are absolutely head over heels in love with you, and thank God that He created you just the way you are.

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