Thursday, October 17, 2013

4 month appointment

Little Man had his 4 month appointment on Monday.  His appointment was during his morning nap, so we let him sleep in.  Typically, he and Momma start their day at 7:30am, but it was like he knew it was a big day, because he slept until we woke him up at 8:40.  Or maybe he thought if he just kept sleeping, we would cancel the appointment?  We had 10 min to get him up, fed and out the door, so he went in his jammies. 
Elias did so well at the appointment.  He has never minded being stripped down to a diaper, even as a tiny newborn, so he doesn't mind when we get him ready to be measured and weighed.  He only cried for a second when his Momma stepped away from him to throw away his diaper and he couldn't see her.  He also doesn't seem to mind when the doctor puts his stethoscope on him, looks in his eyes, ears or tests his strength and mobility. 
The only time he got upset was when the doctor tried to turn his head to the left to look in his right ear.  Little Man doesn't have any mobility issues with turning his head to the left, he just doesn't prefer it, so he decided he wasn't going to let the doctor look in that ear.  The doctor gently tried to guide his head, but Little Man held strong against the doctor. Little Man started to cry when the doctor just wouldn't give up.  Finally, the doctor got a very quick peek and told him it was done.  He commented on how strong our Little Man is :). 
He also did really well with his shots.  Momma had to step out of the room, but she and everyone else in the waiting room could hear a very loud, sad cry.  The receptionist gave her a sympathetic look across the room.  Elias calmed down very quickly though, and we are very thankful that he didn't have any negative reaction to his vaccines.  No fever this time around :). 
Here are his 4 month stats:
  • Height - 25 in, 45th percentile
  • Weight - 14 lbs 5 oz, 27th percentile
  • Head - 17 in, 91st percentile
The doctor said he is a very healthy little guy.  We are going back to the doctor in 2 weeks to do another weight check.  The doctor wasn't concerned about his weight, but wants to make sure his growth rate stays consistent.  He was in the 70th percentile for weight at 6 weeks and the 60th percentile at 8 weeks, but he may just be slowing down a little now.
It was a very big morning for him, but we are so proud of him.  He fell asleep before our car left the parking garage and then took a 3 hour nap in his bed when we got home.

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