Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Sweetest Voice

We are so thankful that we have such a joyful little man.  He is happy 99% of the time, and we get to hear all about it.  He "talks" and laughs pretty much nonstop these days.  It's tricky to know when he needs a nap, because he will play, laugh and chatter until Momma tells him it's nap time.  He doesn't have many sleepy cues, so I usually just go by the clock.  He typically seems so alert and happy that he doesn't seem tired, but he falls asleep pretty quickly (by himself!) once he is in bed.  Sometimes he keeps chatting while I am getting the room ready and zipping him into his sleepsuit. (He is no longer in a swaddle, but loves his Magic Merlin Sleepsuit.  I will post pics of it soon.  We call it his spacesuit.)  This video was taken shortly before his morning nap.  He crashed as soon as he hit his bed.

It gives a pretty good representation of the joyful noise that fills our house most of the time these days.  It's also what our bedroom sounded like from 2:30-4:30am last night.  Although, his daddy wasn't talking at night because he can sleep through it.  His momma on the other hand cannot :).  He was so cheerful as he played in his bed last night, talking, laughing and waving his paci all around.  That's what we get for putting him to bed in a onesie that says, "Party in my Playpen."  I think the four month wakeful period has hit our house!  Finally at 4:15am, Momma popped the paci in his mouth and held his arms down for 20 min and he fell asleep.  Needless to say, when Daddy came to wake us up at 7:30am this morning both Momma and Baby were pretty tired.

Here's another video from the other day.  I love the laugh at the beginning of it.  We are starting to hear his sweet belly laugh more often these days.  Also, notice at the 1:10 mark when he grabs Conor's nose!


As a funny side note, Elias seems to love his daddy's nose.  His momma has a small nose so he has never paid any attention to it, but he loves to grab his daddy's.  The other night Conor put his face close to Elias's face to comfort him, and he felt a little mouth sucking on his nose! 

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